TODAY !!! Dr. Andrea Christidis: A clear STOP of the disenfranchisement of parents as the caretakers and the instrumentalization of children for foreign interests.
At 11 o’clock live from Munich: Physicians and scientists for health, liberty and democracy mobilize for the protection of the family
With Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab: Press symposium on the topic of „Institutional Assaults on Our Children
➡️➡️➡️ With ltd. Ministerialrat a.D. Uwe Kranz, former President of the State Criminal Police Office of Thuringia, author and analyst
➡️ Press organs in Russia – USA – China – France – Italy – Austria – Switzerland – Great Britain and others are informed

RECOMMENDATION OF THE ARK ! Press symposium on September 28, 2023 with Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab, Uwe Kranz, Dr. Andrea Christidis, RA Manfred Müller, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ulrich Kutschera, Udo Leibmann, RA Edgar Siemund, David Sörensen and Dr. med. Ronald Weikl. Photo © MWGFD. Layout: Heiderose Manthey.
Munich. The association Mediziner und Wissenschaftler für Gesundheit, Freiheit und Demokratie e.V. (MWGFD) announces the following symposium.The MWGFD is an association of individuals and scientists working in the medical professions who are engaged in research and teaching on the topics of health, freedom and democracy.
To view the trailer for the high-level event to address what is most likely a global and state-legalized human rights crime, click here.
Announcement of the symposium and listing of speakers for the press symposium, „Institutional Assaults on Our Children.“
„We would like to inform you about the press symposium to be held on September 28, 2023, in which you can participate as a non-press representative via the following link / button.
Zum Livestream auf Odysee
Institutional assault on our children
Who doesn’t want a state that promises „protection and safety“ and lives up to its mandate to care? Unfortunately, this welfare mandate is not infrequently perverted and the state allows systematic assaults on our children as the most vulnerable in society. These are no longer seen because they have become self-evident. To remain silent about it because it is elusive is cold comfort to our charges who are the future of society.
The MWGFD is not afraid to take up this complex of issues and call a spade a spade. On the initiative of the psychologist and systemic family therapist, Dr. Andrea Christidis, and the former LKA president of Thuringia, Uwe Kranz, a long overdue press symposium will take place under the auspices of the MWGFD on September 28, 2023 at 11 am under the above title.
How little respect this system has for our children, but also for the parents as their caregivers, has been made most conspicuously visible in the last 3 years. Expressions like „corona protection measures“ sound nice to the ears, but have just had the opposite effect. Never in history has the „protection of children“ been perverted into „protection from children,“ as historian Michael Hüter points out. And never in history have children become such victims of the irrational fears of adults. However, the victimization of children extended to many other areas long before Corona.
Disguised as „child protection“ and „youth welfare,“ countless out-of-home placements of children take place every year. These children are often taken directly from kindergarten or school by youth welfare workers, or are forcibly taken from their families with the help of police officers, often with the involvement of bailiffs. Parents who kept their children away from a KiTa, after strange men were let in without the parents‘ knowledge and assaulted children, were often court-ordered to enroll their children there.
Under the pretext of wanting to introduce „original play“ as a special pedagogical concept, young children are exposed to sexual assault and violence. In addition, special retreats are successively being set up in KiTas where children are encouraged to „lustfully explore“ their bodies without adult supervision. In some cases, at least physical injuries have occurred in the process. Educators and teachers are presented with WHO guidelines and country curricula that require them to teach even young children about body pleasure by explaining masturbation.
Increasingly, it is coming to light that children in institutional settings are experiencing sexual, physical, and psychological violence. Quite a few deaths have been declared „unexplained.“ Institutions try to make the deaths of children and adolescents credible as suicides, which is not always successful.
The „New Normal“ proclaimed around the world since about 2020 has excesses that have been considered crimes since the abolition of serfdom. Be it officially decreed encasement, confinement or intrusion: Increasingly, what was previously considered abnormal is to become normal. Masks, gloves, lockdowns, curfews, cotton swabs or even syringes no longer fall under the decision-making authority of the individual or his or her parents. And incapacitation increasingly affects human reference groups as well: Contact bans for one’s own relatives, admission of externally assigned sexual partners for one’s own young children, blocking of sexual maturity or repeated sex changes of the growing offspring become official matters. The family is denaturalized by questioning the cohesion of its members and selectively preventing contact among them. Increasingly, political measures are changing the familiar social milieu of people in this country.
The disenfranchisement of parents as the caretakers and the instrumentalization of children for foreign interests must finally come to an end.“
The trailer
Speakers of the press symposium
Dr. Andrea Christidis
Psychologist, expert in matters of forensic psychology, criminal psychology, behavioral therapist, systemic family therapist
Ltd. retired ministerial councillor Uwe Kranz
Former president of the LKA Thuringia, author and analyst
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ulrich Kutschera
Evolutionary biologist
Udo Leibmann
Former bodyguard, many years of activity in the security sector, international activist in child protection matters, head of the „United for Freedom“ organization
RA Manfred Müller
Specialized attorney for labor law, main focus: Family law, inheritance law, construction law
Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab
Chair of Civil Law, Procedural and Business Law, University of Bielefeld
RA Edgar Siemund
Attorney, legal representation of parents and soldiers during the last 3 years, member of „Anwälte für Aufklärung“ (AfA)
David Sörensen
Investigative journalist
Ronald Weikl, MD
Gynecologist, general practitioner, naturopath, Passau, vice chairman of MWGFD e.V.
Absolutely !!! Be sure to read !!!
THE CRIMINAL CHARGE FOR POPULATION MURDER AND CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY according to the International Criminal Code (§ 5 statute of limitations)
All 705 parliamentarians of the European Parliament are written to
Rejoicing¹ at Olaf Scholz: „We want to conquer the air sovereignty over the cribs.“
⇒ Criminal complaint and application for prosecution: 2023-04-04_The criminal application BMJ_KriPo_01-26
All 705 parliamentarians of the European Parliament are written to
Olaf Scholz’s glee¹: „We want to conquer air supremacy over the cribs.“
Criminal Complaint and request for prosecution: 2023-06-13_CriComOri_04.04.23_01-24
Criminal complaint with request for prosecution against all perpetrators, accomplices and omitters of assistance because of kidnapping, genocide and aiding and abetting genocide, crimes against humanity, multiple violation of the Basic Law, incitement of the people, persecution of innocent people etc. sent to the members of the European Parliament
After informing the European Commission and the Council of Europe: the first 20 members of the European Parliament have been verifiably informed of the crime being carried out worldwide.
translated by deepl. com
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