Heiderose Manthey to Donald Trump

Call for help from Germany: Germany and Europe are affected by child robbery and serious human abuse

Information on the often expressed arbitrariness in Germany’s courts and youth welfare offices


Entfrostung. Defrosting. Sbrinare. Rozmrażania. Décongeler. размораживать. Descongelar.

Entfrostung. Defrosting. Sbrinare. Rozmrażania. Décongeler. размораживать. Descongelar.

Washington D.C., The White House / The ARCHE, Germany. In reference to the Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption, issued on December 21, 2017 by the US President as of the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, the CEO of The ARCHE, Germany, Heiderose Manthey wrote a personal statement to the President of the United States of America, Mr Donald J. Trump, concerning the Status Quo of massive human rights violations in Germany and all over Europe.

In his introductory statement of the Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption as published with Law & Justice he expresses:

„Human rights abuse and corruption and the values ​​that form an essential foundation of stable, secure, and functioning societies; have devastating impacts on individuals; weaken democratic institutions; degrade the rule of law; perpetuate violent conflicts; facilitate the activities of dangerous persons; and undermine economic markets.“

This will be the main focus of our excerpt.

The President expresses unequivocally:

„I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the prevalence and severity of human rights abuse and / or corruption that have their source, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States, such as those committed or they are threatening the stability of international political and economic systems.“

In consideration of these phenomena, which happen on a global scale, Manthey describes the present situation of Human Right Violations against children, parents and complete families through the family court system and the entire governmental structures that are affiliated with it (the so-called ‘Helferindustrie’ (“helper industry”) in Germany and in Europe.

Open Letter

Dear Mr President,

as head of the The ARCHE Germany, I represent a worldwide network of parents, families, groups and associations that have formed to tackle child abduction cases through governmental officials and affiliated organizations, (not only) in Germany. Most of the thousands of cases I refer to are based on parent-child alienation (PA) and the Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS), in German abbreviation “kid-eke-pas”. Parental alienation syndrome was identified by Dr. Richard Gardner in the 1980s, but controversy has swirled around whether it is truly a syndrome and how ― if at all ― it can be defined and diagnosed. However, as matter of fact, PAS has been significantly changing custody cases across Germany, Europe, the U.S. and the world.

Today, I write to you in order to inform you about the most severe Human Rights violations against German families as genuine units of our society and the German nation. I would like to stress that I do not speak as a representative for the numerous groups, experts and scientists in my network, but I simply refer to my 20 years of experience as a victim, blogger and activist and as a founding member and present CEO of The ARCHE Germany.

Governmental structures within the German Family (Court) System

Here in Germany, victims suffer from devastating inhuman and destructive experience with family courts, youth welfare offices (the JUGENDAMT) and the so-called helper industry, which abduct and alienate children from families of all social backgrounds.

Deprived of their most basic human rights, parents as well as grandparents must watch their children and grandchildren being torn away from their families by the JUGENDAMT, usually with the help of a large number of case managers, police officers and other governmental officials. They are just as paralyzed and numbed facing the abduction of their children as single parents are, whose newborns are taken away from them into the custody of strangers right from the delivery room at hospital. Foster parents or homes are available on a stand-by-mode to profit financially and economically from these children. As an extreme perversion, in some cases officials and employees of the JUGENDAMT and affiliated organizations rent or buy large houses for entirely economic purposes and use them as foster home-like facilities. Several of these cases have been reported to me.

Deprived of the protection of their (biological) families, the dissociated children are made vulnerable for traumatic experience such as mental, physical and sexual abuse. While normal divorce and custody cases should be settled outside or with minimal intervention of the court system, the Worms Cases in Mainz, Germany from 1993 to 1997 started a new era in the German Family Court System (Wormser Prozesse).

There is little to no hope that every single case of a child forced into isolation from his parents will ever be recorded less prosecuted on a national scale. The dissolution of entire family systems sets their minor children free to the corrupt mechanisms of abuse through governmental organizations, structures and officials as well as individuals with executive power through high-ranked decision-makers.

As a consequence, society will be deprived of genuine families at its core with devastating and further destructive effects on future generations.

Officials and individuals responsible for or complicit in these Human Rights Violations

Government officials of high executive ranking, or persons acting for or on behalf of such an official are especially vulnerable to unload their own traumatic experience during childhood and youth in actions that are connected with their executive powers. As parental alienation is a form of emotional abuse, there is no difference whether kids are being alienated or physically and sexually abused. Both will cause an endless cycle of torture and damage for each and every one of them, way into the next generations.

Another problem lies in the way the family court system is set up. In criminal court, everyone has the right to an attorney, because the government is involved, and freedom is at stake. But in family court, no representation is provided, because the proceedings involve disputes between private parties. Perverted officials, decision-makers and persons with executive power trigger rock avalanches that can hit many families at random and finally destroy them completely. Persons acting for or on behalf of such an official function as multipliers of this perverted and inherently traumatic self-experience which – as a consequence – hits innocent families with the full impact of flies driven into a spider’s web.

The secondary structures of the so called ‘helper-industry’, such as the church and non-governmental providers of public social services, find families seeking help to escape the destructive family court web as easy victims to their bitter-sweet seductions. They are closely inter-connected with the JUGENDAMT in order to suggest help, but eventually only drive the families, parents or grandparents deeper into the maze of the network, with no chance of return. Kindergarten, pre-school and school function in a key position to report the existence and behavior of children from birth to adulthood. The states’ and federal business plan is founded on these children.

There may also be legitimate cases of child estrangement protecting them against parental abuse, but the present combination of the orders through the family court system delegating executive power to the sub-organized structures of the helper-industry represent nothing but social conglomerates for economical profit and political power.

Psycho-pathological impact on victims – triggers and consequences

National Psychological Associations have no official position on PAS, but note a lack of supportive data. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, a guide used worldwide to diagnose disorders, does not recognize the syndrome, either, despite campaigns for it to do so.

However, individual case studies have shown that the loss of contact results in physical and psychic losses. A child’s health is endangered by permanent stress caused by the absence of his or her caregiver. The stress-reaction-system is activated when close caregivers are out of reach. These children live under permanent stress. Chronic stress leads to damage of the organs, the vital systems, which results in serious long-term health problems.

The strictly hierarchical structures encourage high-ranking officials to unload their own traumatic experience on subordinate persons who, as a consequence, execute their power on low-ranked victims. Families seeking help in private matters with any branch of the social service industry will find themselves drawn into the slings of a destructive family court system from the first moment they get themselves officially registered.

This indeed has reached such scope and gravity that it threatens the stability of the German political and economic system. The violation of human rights in Germany has devastating impact on individuals and families who have become victims.

Mediation business and the drama of endless rose wars

Some families end up with murder or suicide during or after separation and divorce as the only way out. It’s a long road through paragraphs and litigation at court to build a bridge back to your children once they have undergone the alienating procedure. Many give up in order to protect their own privacy and that of their family from the media.

There is little to no empirical data on parental alienation. It’s critical that abuse take precedence over alienation claims when it is alleged. Pro-bono representation and training for lawyers and courts on this issue is non-existent to the present day.

Weiße Folter (“White Abuse”)

The term ‘Weiße Folter’ is used for the abuse of children, parents and families through professional and legal organizations. Although the primary consequence of White Abuse for victims is injustice, abuses of the legal system inflict harm in many other ways. They impose severe psychological stress upon the parties involved. When the system is abused and justice is denied as a result, stress and its effects can be exacerbated enormously. White Abuse begins when those seeking help are denied it. The climax is the dissolution of complete family systems.

Mechanisms of White Abuse

Those parents and families who have the strength to take up the fight against the legal system, often face behavioral measures, curfews, deprivation of the right to see and visit their children, forced medical treatment drug tests, more actual violence and abuse, forced psychiatric treatment all the way to prosecution by the criminal court and being sentenced to prison. Chronic and high-profile legal abuse have societal effects as well, including distrust of the law, law enforcement and the legal system, rationalizing of small crimes by ordinarily honest citizens, and psychological stress all the way into suicide.

Stigmatization of the victims

Those parents deprived of their children are stigmatized by the family court, police, JUGENDAMT, as well as the complete living and working environment.

Petitions have been sent to the German Chancellor, the European Parliament and individual members of the German Bundestag, the International Court of Justice in The Hague, most of them have never been answered. Appeals at the European Commission for the initiation of proceedings against Germany as of violation against article VI and article VIII EUV of the fundamental rights of the Convention of Human Rights (EMRK) and to impose sanctions on Germany in case of continuous violation against Human Rights had no substantial consequences on the officials and individuals responsible for or complicit in these Human Rights Violations.

The impact of these crimes on the German society and nation as a whole will be transgenerational. For 20 years, I have spoken to countless victims, but have run against solid governmental walls with my petitions so far.

Translated by
Ulrike Dorothea Haubold
Independent Writer bei LinkedIn


Legend and more publishments

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In Zusammenarbeit mit mutigen Eltern wurde am 01. April 2014 und am 05. Mai 2015 offiziell vor dem Petitionsausschusses des Europäischen Parlamentes zu dieser Problematik European Parliament: Speech regarding the exposure of torture in Germany vorgesprochen.

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Heiderose  M A N T H E Y


Kindly supported by Olaf Meyer-Granzow

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