Bitte um weiträumige Verbreitung – besonders an die englisch sprechenden Betroffenen, wie „Fathers for Justice“ …
Einladung der Barry University in Miami im US-Bundesstaat Florida zum Mitwirken an der Studie
Keltern-Weiler. ARCHE wurde um die Verteilung dieses Aufrufes der Barry University gebeten, die eine Untersuchung vornimmt, ob und wie PAS den Kontaktabbruch zu den eigenen leiblichen Kindern beeinflusst bzw. auf PAS zurückzuführen sei. Wir bitten besonders die englisch sprechenden Betroffenen um Weiterleitung und Mitwirkung !
„Dear Members:
I am contacting you today to inform you about a parental alienation research study being conducted by Gena Rowlands, LCSW, CAP, a doctoral student with the School of Social Work at Barry University under the supervision of dissertation chair, Dr. Sarah Lewis, PhD. Ms. Rowlands is conducting a study to learn more about parental alienation which will be useful to inform both clinical practice and custody determinations. The study has been approved by the Institutional Review Board of Barry University. There are no risks associated with study participation. Further, participants can refuse or stop participating at any time without penalty or consequence.
This survey is completely anonymous. All of the responses will be recorded directly into a secure password-protected web-based database through that will not include any references to identity. The web server is password protected and secure at all times.
If you choose to assist in our efforts to conduct this study, we are asking that you post and/or forward the attached study flyer on your respective parental alienation websites/forums where targeted parents could access the study flyer and likewise consider participating. If you are a member of this forum and also a targeted parent, we hope that you will also consider participating in the study.
The flyer, as you will see, includes information regarding the study and how to access the materials through SurveyMonkey. It is anticipated that the entire survey will take about 25 minutes to complete.
If you have any questions, please contact Gena Rowlands, Principal Investigator, at You may also contact the Institutional Review Board point of contact, Barbara Cook, by email at Thank you very much for assisting in our efforts.
Gena A. Rowlands, LCSW, CAP
Barry University“
Analyse wissenschaftlicher Literatur: Isolation von lebenden Eltern macht die Kinder krank !
In diesem Zusammenang weist ARCHE auf das Ergebnis der Veröffentlichung von Prof. Dr. Ursula Gresser hin: Analyse wissenschaftlicher Literatur
In der NZfam hat Ursula Gresser gemeinsam mit Anna Prinz die wichtigsten Ergebnisse sechs englischsprachiger Studien bekannt gegeben, die allesamt zum gleichen Ergebnis kamen: Isolation von lebenden Eltern macht die Kinder krank !